#中國 #吉林 #朝鮮 #延吉 #中國自由行 #china #momojoejoe #多謝訂閱
延吉 EP 2
走進延吉的街頭小巷,琳瑯滿目的朝鮮族小吃讓人目不暇接——從價值親民的豆漿面到水豆腐,各種地道風味令人垂涎欲滴。當地的韓式冷面爽口無比,而特式明太魚湯更是暖胃佳品;再配上一碗經典的韓式拌飯(Korean bibimbap),既美味又有飽足感。
Welcome to Yanji, located in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Jilin Province, China! This city, rich in Korean culture, offers a world of traditional delicacies and exotic charm🍜. Strolling through Yanji’s lively streets, you’ll find a wide range of authentic Korean treats—from affordable soy milk noodles to fresh tofu dishes, a feast for the senses. The local specialties are a must-try: refreshing Korean cold noodles, hearty pollack soup, and a classic Korean bibimbap that’s both satisfying and delicious.
When night falls, Yanji takes on a mysterious and captivating charm🌆. Enjoy the evening with friends over a classic North Korean beer, Taedonggang🍺, in one of the city’s cozy eateries—the perfect way to end the day. Yanji’s nightlife is a unique blend of vibrant lights and deep-rooted culture. This video lets you dive into the city’s unique allure, experiencing its welcoming vibe, delicious cuisine, and rich cultural heritage.
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