🐉🎉 龍年迎新 – 成爲「香港海事博物館之友」賞你 $140 《友邦嘉年華2023》門票乙張(非高峰時段)連10枚代幣 Celebrate the Year of the Dragon - Become the “Friends of HKMM” to get $140 AIA Carnival 2023 Ticket* 1 (Off-Peak) with 10 Tokens
即日起至2024年2月25日,登記成為「香港海事博物館之友」會員即有機會獲得價值 140 港元的🎪《友邦嘉年華2023》(非高峰時段)門票(包括10個代幣)!除了全年可無限次參觀博物館的常設和特別展覽🖼之外,會員還會被獲邀參加會員限定活動,包括🎤館長導賞團,及享受各種禮遇。會員可深入研究海事歷史與文化⚓,同時支持我們的展覽、研究和活動。
迎新禮品數量有限。🚀即上 https://bit.ly/46rOmmK 火速申請,萬勿錯過!
🎇HKMM wishes everyone all the best in the Year of the Dragon! Become a member now to have a chance to receive welcome rewards🎁!
From now to February 25, 2024, newly registered as “Friends of HKMM” will have the opportunity to receive an 🎪 AIA Carnival 2023 (Off-Peak) ticket (Includes 10 tokens) worth HK$140! In addition to unlimited visits to the museum's thematic and special exhibitions 🖼 throughout the year, members will be invited to participate in member-exclusive activities, including 🎤curator-led tours, and enjoy many more privileges. Delve deep into ⚓maritime history and culture, and support our exhibitions, research, and programmes.
Limited quantities of welcome gifts. 🚀 APPLY NOW at https://bit.ly/47Dzy5n so don't miss out!
Follow our Instagram: https://bit.ly/3lHZyXB
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