【Eng | 中文】韓式小菜 | 韓式涼拌小黃瓜
【Eng】Korean Side Dish Recipe | Cucumber Kimchi
반찬레시피 | 오이김치
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韓文食物名稱Korean Food Name:
中文: 小菜
英文: side dish
韓文: 반찬
韓文發音: 【banchan】
中文: 韓定食
英文: Korean-style full course meal
韓文: 한정식
韓文發音: 【Hanjeongsik】
"Korean side dishes" is basically a must for Koreans.
Open the refrigerator at any time, there will be a variety of "Korean side dishes".
The general home cooking in Korea is to take out the side dishes in the refrigerator, cook rice, cook soup, and add a main food (fish, meat, or egg) to start the meal.
For housewives, with "Korean side dishes", every meal can be easily prepared.
I really like this "cucumber kimchi". It tastes slightly spicy and sour, and it is very appetizing.
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