《法式焦糖燉蛋節 2024》Creme brûlée

🎉🥂Paul Lafayet's 8th Annual "Crème Brûlée Festival"is coming from June 4th to 6th, you can enjoy 😉 signature French Crème Brûlée at a special price.Purchase a set of 10 Crème Brûlée vouchers for only amazing price $250 only ! Paul Lafayet 連續第 8 年與全港分享招牌法式焦糖燉蛋!在為期三天的法式焦糖燉蛋節內,顧客只需以 HK$250 即可購買 10 張法式焦糖燉蛋禮券 (總值 HK$500)。發售時間:6 月 4 日至 6 日網上銷售時間為中午 12:00 至晚上 11:59。 店舖銷售時間為中午 12:00 至晚上 7:00。 They have collaborated with renowned French artist Jennifer Bouron @jeninuferu to celebrate this milestone and introduce their adorable brand ambassador, Brü Brû! 全新品牌大使「布布」(Brû Brû)可愛登場! 布布 (Brû Brû) 是 Paul Lafayet 的全新品牌形象大使,由法國插畫家 Jennifer Bouron @jeninuferu 創作而成。布布 (Brû Brû) 希望透過美味的法式焦糖燉蛋為大家帶來喜悅,提醒大家忙碌之餘,也要熱愛並享受生活中的美好! 限量版禮品: Brû Brû (布布) 禮品數量有限,送完即止。 For every purchase of 2 sets of Creme Brûlée vouchers, you'll receive a limited-edition Brü Brü keychain (valued at HD $158). 法式焦糖燉蛋節禮劵(共 20 張)+ 限量版布布鑰匙扣乙個 - $500 For every purchase of 8 sets, you'll be gifted a Brû Brû plush pillow (valued at HKD $438) 法式焦糖燉蛋節禮劵 - 80張 + 限量版布布咕𠱸乙個$2,000.00 For every purchase of 10 sets, you'll be gifted a Brû Brû plush pillow and a limited edition Brü Brü keychain (valued at HKD $596) 法式焦糖燉蛋節禮劵(共 100 張)+ 限量版布布鑰匙扣乙個 + 咕𠱸乙個$2,500.00 Don’t miss the chance for savouring their silky-smooth, vanilla-infused French Crème Brûlée. Link here: https://bit.ly/44WmmbT #paullafayet #Brubru#Pricefor1Enjoymentfor2#Cremebrulee #Reunion#DelightfulTreats#LimitedEditionBox #HiddenTreasures#MakingADifference#hkcouple#hkfoodie#fathersday#情侣#優惠#禮物#父親節#著數優惠#著數分享#焦糖燉蛋#Dessert#hkfoodie#ucreator

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