Korean Oyster Pancake
「煎餅」전(Jeon) 屬於韓國節慶料理,在中秋節和過年時,家家戶戶都在忙著煎煎餅。
哈哈 看完那集,太想吃,隔天立馬飛奔到市場去買牡蠣來做「韓式牡蠣煎餅」。^^"
韓文食物名稱Korean Food Name:
中文: 牡蠣
英文: oyster
韓文: 굴
韓文發音:【 gul】
中文: 煎餅
英文: Korean pancake
韓文: 전
韓文發音: 【Jeon 】
中文: 海鮮煎餅
英文: Seafood pancake
韓文: 해물전
韓文發音: 【haemuljeon】
When do Koreans eat Jeon (Korean pancake)?
「전 」(Jeon) is a Korean festival cuisine.
Every household is busy frying pancakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese New Year.
At this time, you can try a variety of delicious Jeon, including meat jeon, seafood jeon, fish jeon and zucchini jeon etc.
Why do Koreans eat Jeon on a rainy day?
The sound of rain reminds people of the sound of making Pajeon, therefore Korean crave Jeon on a rainy day. Usually eat Jeon with drinking Makgeolli (Korean rice wine).
Recently, I was fascinated by the Korean TV show "Same Bed and Different Dreams: You Are My Destiny", "Korean Oyster Pancakes" appeared on the show.
Haha After watching that episode, I really wanted to eat that, and I immediately went to the market the next day to buy oysters for making “Korean Oyster Jeon”. ^^"
It's so delicious, I can't wait to share with you this super easy & simple recipe.
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