【中國旅遊】中俄相隔只有750m!黑龍江邊看俄羅斯遠東第三大市 一江之隔兩國差異有多大? 實拍黑河邊境城市|China Russia are only 750m apart?|momojoejoe
-#中國 #吉林 #延吉 #琿春 #海蘭泡 #布拉戈維申斯克 #俄羅斯 #中國自由行 #china #momojoejoe #多謝訂閱
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MomoJoeJoe departs from the China-Russia border city of Hunchun and takes a 27-hour train ride to another border city—Heihe. 🚆💨 Heihe, formerly known as "Ai River," is just a river's width away from Blagoveshchensk, the third largest city in Russia's Far East. The differences between the two countries are palpable. As an important city on the northern bank of the middle reaches of the Heilongjiang River, Heihe has a population of 214,390, creating a striking contrast with Blagoveshchensk, which is only 750 meters away. Here, we will take a boat to the opposite bank to explore the China-Russia border. Let's experience the charm of this area together!✨
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