簡易料理食譜 |韓式豆芽菜烤牛肉
Simple cooking Recipe | Korean Bean Sprouts Bulgogi
간단요리레시피 | 콩나물불고기 【Kongnamul Bulgogi】
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韓文食物名稱Korean Food Name:
中文: 簡單的
英文: simple
韓文: 간단
中文: 肉
英文: meat
韓文: 고기
Bean sprouts bulgogi is a modern creative Korean cuisine in Korea restaurant.
I also learned it from Mr. Baek Jong-won.^^
In the restaurant, meat, bean sprouts, rice cakes, vegetables, noodles, gochujang and other ingredients are usually grilled together on a large baking tray.
This is a good Korean food at a good price, very popular for young people.
There is no baking tray at home, that's okay.
You can make this super simple and delicious Korean dish with your home pan.
(It's really simple, it can be done in less than 10 minutes^^v)
Today's video, I will share with you the “sauce ratio” of Mr. Baek.
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