湯水篇|合掌瓜 粟米蘋果 豬脊骨湯 利尿去濕

湯水篇|合掌瓜 粟米蘋果 豬脊骨湯 利尿去濕 (Eng Sub) Chayote with corn & apple pork soup  份量Serving : 3 人PPL 烹調時間 cooking time : 1小時15分 1 hr 15 min   效用 : 降壓、利尿,去濕、疏肝止咳、消化不良、c。祛風解熱、風熱、咽乾。 Utility : Antihypertensive, diuretic, gets rid of the wetness in the body, soothing the liver and relieves cough, and indigestion, Dispels wind and relieves heat, wind-heat, dry throat 成份ingredients : 1 ea( 405g) 合掌瓜chayote 1 ea (335g) 粟米corn 1 ea (88g) 蘋果Apple 232g豬脊骨Pork shank meat bone 260g豬肉眼pork rib eye 1/3片pc 陳皮tangerine 3250 ml 清水 water (連浸切開蘋果的水)   方法 method : 1.     沖洗粟米,去外層。一開4份。 Rinse the corn and remove the outer layer. Cut it into 4pcs.   2.     沖洗合掌瓜,一開4,去核。 Rinse the Chayote. Cut into 4 parts, and remove the core.   3. 用鹽擦洗蘋果外皮。蘋果一開2,去核、艼。用清水浸泡,水留用。 Wash the apple skin with salt. Cut it into 2 parts. Remove the seeds and, stalk. Soak it in water.   3.     沖洗豬豬脊骨、肉眼,然後汆水。 Rinse the pork rib eye. Blanch it in boiling water to remove the dirt and blood.   4.     先把粟米在3250 ml清水中。開大火。 Put the corn in the 3250ml water first. Turn to high heat.   5.     15分鐘,放入汆水的豬脊骨、豬肉眼。 After 15 minutes, add the pork rib eye to the boiling water.   6.     再10分鐘後,放入合掌瓜、蘋果,轉中火。 After 10 minutes, add chayote, and apple to the soup. Turn to medium heat.   7.     30分鐘後關火。註 : 可先拿起煮軟的蘋果,免蘋果皮澀味慢慢滲出 Turn off the heat after 30 minutes of boiling. Note: You can pick up the boiled apples first, to avoid the astringency of the apple peel slowly penetrating 完成 Finished #食譜 #去濕 #合掌瓜 #利尿 #湯水食譜 #蘋果湯 #保健食譜 #阿媽湯水 #保健湯食譜 #祛風解熱 (此文章由U Blog 同步發佈至社群)
