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ahlong010104ahlong010104Level 12024/06/12
全新的社交圈子 ---《下一站...Spain🇪🇸》· Day 2 
全新的社交圈子 ---《下一站...Spain🇪🇸》· Day 2 
全新的社交圈子 ---《下一站...Spain🇪🇸》· Day 2 
全新的社交圈子 ---《下一站...Spain🇪🇸》· Day 2 
全新的社交圈子 ---《下一站...Spain🇪🇸》· Day 2 
全新的社交圈子 ---《下一站...Spain🇪🇸》· Day 2 
全新的社交圈子 ---《下一站...Spain🇪🇸》· Day 2 
全新的社交圈子 ---《下一站...Spain🇪🇸》· Day 2 
全新的社交圈子 ---《下一站...Spain🇪🇸》· Day 2 

全新的社交圈子 ---《下一站...Spain🇪🇸》· Day 2 

第二天早上,因為尋日係星期日,市中心九成超市都無開,冇得買定早餐,所以決定到宿舍樓下嘅餐廳食早餐。同樣地職員都係唔識講超級簡單嘅英文。然後又係鼓起勇氣嘅時間,我影咗一張牛角包嘅相,同佢講想要一個,之後佢問我用英文問我 coffee orange ( 佢真係咁講 ),因為我唔想朝早飲凍嘢,所以要咗杯咖啡。第一次喺餐廳成功點餐🥳~~
welcome to the second day morning. Because yesterday was Sunday, most supermarkets in the city were closed, and I couldn't buy breakfast. So I decided going to the restaurant downstairs in the dormitory to have breakfast. Similarly, the staff there also couldn't speak English. And as I didn't know any Spanish so I took a picture of a croissant and told them that I wanted one. Then they asked me in English if I wanted "coffee or orange" (that's how they pronounced it, but at least I can get it). Since I want a hot drink in the morning, I ordered a cup of coffee. It was my first successful order at a restaurant. Yay! 🥳

之後今日其實係分班評估日,9:00 要到課程所屬的Building 集合,今日課程內容就只有做 grammar,writing & speaking task 。因為我從來冇學過西班牙文,所以基本上grammar MC 同買六合彩一樣隨機填,之後writing task 淨係寫咗一句我係來自香港嘅西班牙文(因為MC 有一條題目可以抄🤧),speaking task 入到去淨係識講 Hola ,Cómo estás,之後直接同個老師講 I don’t understand😌,因為佢係老師嘅關係,所以識得講英文,之後成個speaking流程,佢都係用英文問返我個人資料,之後就完咗啦。(我其他朋友出到嚟都會分享佢哋俾人問咗啲咩,佢哋全部都話有問佢學咗西班牙文幾耐、本身讀乜科目、對呢個course有咩期望等等,因為本身呢一個task嘅用意係睇吓你西班牙說話程度去到邊度)
After that, today is actually the day for class evaluation. We had to gather at the building where the course is held at 9:00. Today's class was only focused on grammar, writing, and speaking tasks. As I have never learned Spanish, I basically filled in the grammar multiple-choice questions randomly, just like buying a lottery ticket. For the writing task, I only wrote one sentence in Spanish, which is "I am from Hong Kong" (because there was a question on the MC that I could copy 🤧). For the speaking task, I only knew how to say "Hola, ¿Cómo estás?". So after I go in the test room, I directly told the teacher, "I don't understand 😌." Since she is the teacher, she can speak English, and throughout the speaking process, she only asked my personal information in English. And then it was done. When my other friends came out, they share what they were asked. They all said they were asked how long they have been studying Spanish, what major they are studying, their expectations for this course, and so on. (Because the purpose of this task is to assess your level of speaking in Spanish.)

After finished the test, there was a short break. I followed some American friends that I had just met today to an university restaurant (As it is a local restaurant, the staff of course couldn't speak English). However, my American friends could speak Spanish, so I relied on them to help me with the ordering. In the end, we ordered a sandwich and a glass of orange juice, which they said is a must-try drink in Spain.

食完嘢之後,就進入今日第二個部份—— campus tour 。好唔好彩地,今日成個tour都係落住雨咁行(睇相可能唔係好覺,不過真係好大雨🌧️),同埋因為帶tour嗰個人,全程淨係講西班牙文,所以基本上我係一句都聽唔明佢介紹緊啲咩(對於我嚟講只係淋雨Tour🫠)
After eating, the second part of the day started, which was the campus tour. Unfortunately, luck was not on our side as it was raining throughout the entire tour (From the picture might not seem like heavy rain, but it was actually pouring 🌧️). Moreover, the person leading the tour only spoke Spanish so I couldn't understand a single thing that she were explaining throughout the tour (for me, it was just a rainy tour experience 🫠 dam...)

Tour 完成之後,今日上堂嘅日程已經完成晒,所以就同埋個班🇺🇸美國朋友一齊去食飯。
After the tour, today's schedules were all done. And I go to have lunch with my friends who are from USA🇺🇸.

€6.4 有一個main ,一個side ,一個dessert & 一支水,講真其實唔算好貴
For the lunch, It only cost €6.4. To be honest it is not really expensive.

食完飯之後,其中一個人問我想唔想一齊去睇戲,咁我都冇plan 今日行程,當然話好啦。
然後繼續傾偈期間,我先發現班美國朋友原來係本身佢哋間大學有個行朝聖之路嘅program,program 其中一個項目就係去呢度上堂。(即係其實佢哋本身已經認識大家好耐,都幾慶幸佢哋肯比我join 埋佢地一齊玩)
When I almost finished my lunch, one of them asked me if I wanted to join them to watch the movie. Since I didn't have any plans for the day, why not. While we continue chatting, I found that my American friends were actually joining a program in their university that included a pilgrimage to this place. One of the activities in the program was attending a class here. (So, in fact, they had known each other for a long time, and I felt fortunate that they were willing to let me join them and play together.)

西班牙睇戲€7.5 (我估應該係學生優惠 ,因為買飛嘅時候有出示到 Santiago 大學張學生證)。估唔到嚟到西班牙先睇 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.
The ticket Costed me €7.5 (I think I got a student discount because I showed my student ID of Santiago University when buying the ticket). I didn't expect to watch Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse in Spain.

簡單食咗個所謂晚餐,不過都幾好味,之後就返歸啦。無睇錯本身pancake set 要€5.95(因為menu 係西班牙文,我見到有幅圖個pancake幾好睇,就叫咗,其實叫嗰陣時唔知價錢),但係埋單嘅時候我係俾€10 現金,唔知係唔係因為佢冇散銀找錢,佢直接找咗張€5比我,所以咁大份餐只係俾咗€5,仲要係商場入面嘅餐廳,超級抵食!
After watching the movie, it was already evening (although in Spain, the sunset starts around 10 PM🌅). We had a simple dinner, which was quite delicious, and then we headed back. If I didn't misread the menu, the pancake set is €5.95 (since the menu was in Spanish, I just saw a picture of the pancake and it looked good, then I ordered it without knowing the price). However, when I paid the bill, I gave €10 in cash, and I'm not sure if it was because they didn't have the exact change, but they gave me back €5, so I ended up paying only €5 for such a large meal. It was a great deal, especially considering it was a restaurant inside a shopping mall!

On a side note, it was the first time I found someone outside of the school in Spain who could speak English. It made ordering much easier as I could communicate with the staff in English.

總結,Day 2 識到一班好好嘅朋友,亦都識咗好多來自唔同地方嘅同學。

Day 2 完。✍️
Day 2 End.✍️

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