銀座 篝 本店 2024/03/16


#食勻全世界#櫻花樹下#素肌OK#OK即刻有 #日本#東京#銀座#米芝蓮#米其林 日本東京銀座是個充滿高質美食的地方,這次我們特地到訪日本人都愛吃的米其林拉麵店🍜超級讚,打算下次來東京都要再吃! 🍴店舖位於窄巷內,看到這個發光「篝」招牌就對了,轉彎就到🚶🏻 🍴從門面可以看到裡面的都是吧台的設計,圍著約二十個位左右🍴 🍴這裡必點的是松露雞白湯拉麵🍜湯頭一點都不油膩,麵質剛剛好,松露大片大片的,吃了一碗都意猶未盡😋 🍴米其林店外出現長長人龍,當天排了約一個小時,店員會不時出來登記用餐人數👩🏻🍳 📍銀座 篝 拉麵 地址:東京都中央區銀座6-4-12 #Japan#Tokyo#Ginza#Michelin Tokyo‘s Ginza in Japan is a place filled with high-quality cuisine. This time, we specifically visited a Michelin-starred ramen restaurant that Japanese people also love. It was absolutely amazing! 🍴The store is located in a narrow alley. You’ll know you‘re in the right place when you see the glowing ”篝“ sign. Just turn the corner and you’ll be there. 🍴From the storefront, you can see that the interior is designed with a bar counter, seating for about twenty people. 🍴A must-try dish here is the Truffle Chicken Ramen. Not greasy at all, and the noodles are just right. There are large slices of truffle, and even after finishing a bowl, you‘ll still crave for more. 🍴There was a long line outside the Michelin-starred restaurant, and we waited for about an hour that day. The staff occasionally came out to register the number of diners. 📍Ginza Kagari Ramen Address: 6-4-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

銀座 篝 本店
6-chōme-4-12 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061日本